
Fees and Charges

There are no membership fees at Fish Pool and no fees for entering buy or sales orders. Fees are only to be paid when an order has been matched.

Fee list

There are no membership fees at Fish Pool and no fees for entering buy or sales orders. Fees are only to be paid when an order has been matched.

Fees are charged in accordance with the current Fish Pool Rulebook with appendixes. Fish Pool Rulebook with appendixes presents the correct fee list in a case of deviations between the below fee list and Fish Pool Rulebook. Please see Fish Pool Rulebook for further information.

Clearing fees are charged according to Nasdaq Clearing Rulebook. In case of deviations between the below fee list and Nasdaq Clearing Rulebook, the Rulebook shall prevail.

Options are charged 0,05 NOK/kg in trading fee and 0,05 NOK/kg in clearing fee. Options are at present delisted.


1. Annual volume discount:

Any Trade Member interested in committing to a volume threshold must enter an agreement with Fish Pool by the end of January every year.

A member trading more than 20 000 tonnes per year without having committed to a given volume receives the same trading discount for all volumes traded above 20 000 tonnes per year.


2. Discount for Financial Institutions and General Clearing Members (GCM)

Financial Institutions with a license for trading on behalf of and for the account of a third party and who has signed a Financial institutions membership agreement with Fish Pool or a General Clearing Membership agreement with Nasdaq Clearing pay a total of 0,19 NOK/kg from January 1st 2023 for trading and clearing without volume discounts:

  • Variable trading fee 0,10 NOK/kg
  • Variable clearing fee 0,09 NOK/kg

GCMs pay an annual fixed clearing membership fee to Nasdaq Clearing.


3. Strategy discounts and exiting a position within one month

Trade Members get a fee discount if reported to Fish Pool and confirmed for the following cases:

  • Exiting a trade on an end-user account within one month after Trading. Example: bought 100 t/m for Q3+Q4. Selling part (ex. 30 t/m) or all of the 100t/m for Q3+Q4 contract within one month. 100% of the clearing and trading fee for the volume exiting the position will be refunded by the end of the month. Free exit from Fish Pool and Nasdaq Clearing, but please note that banks may apply a fee.
  • Trading a strategy. For example time spread with two legs: (buy Q1 and sell Q2 contracts) is given a 50% fee discount. 100% of the clearing and trading fee of the leg with the lowest volume will be refunded by the end of the month.

4.  Broker fees and Index fee

  • A broker fee of 0,04 NOK/kg, totalling 0,08 NOK/kg or 80 NOK/tonnes, is to be paid to Fish Pool for Block Trade Contracts submitted to Fish Pool for clearing with Nasdaq.
  • For the purposes of Settlement of contracts between a Financial Trade Member and its clients, an Index fee of 0,06 NOK/kg, totalling 0,12 NOK/kg or 120 NOK/tonnes, is to be paid to Fish Pool.

Clearing fees

Please check Nasdaq Clearing Rulebook appendix 7 for updated information on clearing fees.

Access to market data

EU-regulation 2017/567 of 18 May 2016, articles 6-11 describes Fish Pool duties for transparency, access to market data and pricing of market information.

Fish Pool provides all market data free of charge and has zero revenue from sales of market information.  All Trade Members and others interested may go to and register for the weekly price report emails (for free), and also get a Read only login to free of charge. Thus be able to see real time bids and offers for financial salmon contracts and access and download post trade information (contract information) for free.