Fish Pool Index™ (FPI) is the Monthly Settlement Price used for financial settlement of all contracts at Fish Pool ASA.
Fish Pool Index™
Fish Pool Index™ (FPI) is the Monthly Settlement Price used for financial settlement of all contracts at Fish Pool ASA. Please follow this link for Key elements in our BMR methodology and this link for our complete BMR Methodology.
The Benchmark Statement with information regarding the salmon market, possible limitations of the Benchmarks and possible circumstances in which the prices may become unreliable and the Fish Pool measures in such cases is found here.
Please find information below and useful links at the end of the page.
Fish Pool ASA does not offer trade of physical fish. In order to settle the financial forward contracts, a reference price reflecting the actual spot price of Fresh Atlantic Salmon is needed. Hence Fish Pool has established a synthetic market price, named the Fish Pool Index™, which is the basis for settlement of all financial salmon contracts at Fish Pool.
The aim of the reference price is to:
- Give a correct reflection of the market price
- Be possible to re-examine/verify
- Not possible to manipulate
- Be transparent and available
- Remain neutral to all parties
Fish Pool Index™ is composed of two index elements related to the average weekly spot price of buying and selling of Fresh Atlantic Salmon. These elements are:
- Nasdaq Salmon Index: Exporter’s selling prices
- Statistics Norway customs statistics (SSB): Norwegian export statistics
As of January 2nd 2020 FPI is compliant with Benchmark regulations set by the EU. Click here for further details about the changes and here for information about the regulations.
The price index is calculated as a monthly settlement price based on the 4-5 weekly price elements. The Trading Calendar publish which weeks are included in each month.
The price index is based on a weighted weekly average of sizes 3-6 kg, superior quality, head-on gutted. The prices of the three main size categories, 3-4 kg, 4-5 kg and 5-6 kg are highly correlated.
The Fish Pool Index™ bases the calculation on the following fixed size distribution:
- 3-4 kg: 30 %
- 4-5 kg: 40 %
- 5-6 kg: 30 %
The table below illustrate the weight of the different index elements. The index elements differ in complexity. Nasdaq Salmon Index Index quote a price per size.
Historical price information for the Fish Pool Index is found here.
Historical price information about the Nasdaq (NOS/FHL) spot prices size by size is found here.
Download the most frequently asked questions about the Nasdaq Salmon Index here.
Farmers normally sell at packing stations. Buyers normally purchase delivered own plant. To compare your own prices with the Fish Pool Index (sales price Oslo), click here.
The Nasdaq price SUP 3-6 kg is the reference point of the FPI from 2015. Read more about this change in the reference price here.
To subscribe to the Nasdaq spot price and weekly price status on email, click here.