When Trading

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When Trading

Fish Pool facilitates financial salmon contracts for the salmon industry in addition to non-industry participants. Every contract is settled financially against Fish Pool Index™. Read more about Fish Pool Index™ and the concept and do not hesitate to call or email questions to our Exchange Desk: post@fishpool.eu or +47 55 706 706.

Compare your prices to Fish Pool Index™

The difference between your company’s physical salmon purchase/sales is important to be aware of If you are interested in using Fish Pool’s contracts as a hedging tool. Please investigate the weekly difference between Fish Pool Index™ and your purchase/sales price here before entering your first contract.

How to trade?

Every company interested in entering contracts must be approved as Fish Pool MembersCleared contracts with Nasdaq Clearing as counterpart requires a membership agreement with Nasdaq.

Every person representing a Fish Pool member can choose between two ways to enter contracts;

Fish Pool trading desk is much used for voice brokering. All traders with an interest to trade are invited to call us at +47 55 70 67 00 and place orders through our exchange brokers.

Fish Pool’s online trading screen

Fish Pool’s trading screen is widely accessible and available for all with an interest in Fish Pool. This instrument gives the best possible access to information on price movements and the market’s interest for different periods.

We offer read only access to the trading screen. See this link if you want to subscribe for automatic access to Fish Pool Market. Please visit online trading for user manual.

Trade members gain the possibility of adding and trading orders onscreen after signing the Agreement for use of Electronic Trading System (ETS).


No fees are currently charged for membership at Fish Pool. All fees are charged based on traded volume and the fee structure is shown here. Nasdaq withdraws trade and clearing fees automatically for cleared contracts, bilateral contracts are invoiced by Fish Pool.